Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cuc-- KOO!


AH!i am so super over excited,happy just everything!
Like what the heck you might be thinking.
:D sorry for the over hyper mood..

I think everyone had the feeling when they are super happy,right?
how life is sweet right now...
Why oh why...
you like no!
buti got a crush on you..
that's all.It is a small tiny crush but who knows..

Ok,enough of love.
Well,the audition for my school teacher's day celebration was a mess!
like AH~!!
But i have to chill.. there is still time to fix the problems and the show can go on smoothly once more..
all and all everyone remember their moves.. a sigh of relief can be release there.

i think i will bid my see ya now.
so see ya :P