Wednesday, November 16, 2011

ZARA Village

HEY HI AND Hello :)

Guess what?School is hours away from ending for this year !
HAHAHA,this feels awesome if it weren't for the bad mood i am in.. XD

Well,i wanna post something a little bit sweet and a LOT of nasty for those who think this is meant for them :P

For one thing i am so gonna miss my friends from ZARA Village.
What is ZARA Village?

Well,here is a brief explanation through my point of view.
Like i said,MY point of view.

ZARA is a combination of Zahrawi and Razi.
The name of the classes that the villagers of ZARA Village have been true to.
Well some of the original form 1 have been loyal till the last day.
And i guess i am one of them! hahaha(agak koya tapi itu kenyataan,DEAL with it)

ZARA was never something the villagers felt when they were in form 1 and 2 but this year is different.
This is the LAST year ALL of us will be together in one same class.
AUW~ I am so gonna miss being with my fellow villagers.

10 REASONS i am so gonna MISS the TRUE villagers of ZARA Village:

1) You guys make me go nuts with the noise we make when teachers are not around

2)We have been boycott at least by one teacher EVERY year

3)We had our fair share of fights throughout the years but hey! we manage to talk each other without scratching someone's face

4)I can go on the weirdest rampage sometimes and you guys act like you don't care and i thank you for that XD

5)We can not not talk to each other for a matter of seconds before someone blurted something so RANDOM we went on talking as usual
6)The girls have their own cliques but the boys are own big gang!(there is only 8 guys,no wonder.right?)

7)We all can agree on 1 thing: K- POP has attack most of us

8)We are there for each other when one of us needed our strength the most

9)We talk behind each other backs but we still manage to forgive and forget the next day and act like nothing happen

10)Most of ALL.No matter the fights,some curse word here and there,some boycotts that might had happen,some isolation that was given,the BAD gossips we spread,the fights we sometime get into,the childish quarrels we create,the mistakes we had made before to each other and some hurtful times we made each other gone through.

We ALWAYS come through for each other because even though this

might seem silly.We are FAMILY of FRIENDS.

And family are always there when you need them.
I L♥VE ZARA Village
And the TRUE villagers who had not only stayed in Zahrawi till after PMR but also who were they through the good and bad times together :')

that's all.. hahaha
see ya next time peeps!