Friday, April 22, 2011

Again and Yet Again

well for the above pic,you can see my post my be sorrowful.
i suggest for who is all peppy and happy,leave before you read more.

Left?no.well,you decided.
Guess what,i hurt my heart again.thanks to a guy of course.
i can not believe he played me like his toy.
i have a heart,i am no one's little playmate.
for this guy,thanks!
you lied to me more than enough to destroy me from the inside.
you happy right?
go cuddle up to your girlfriend just do not go hurting more girls.
no girl should be treated like trash.

As well for me,you hurt me enough.
just leave me be.
do not say you did not lie..cause you did.Big Time

that is all i think,
see ya later