Thursday, April 14, 2011

You Are Beautiful To Me

i have not posted for a long time now..
Guess,this is one of my post in two weeks,so sad..

Well,from the post title you might think it is about a guy.
It is all to my girl friends out there.
Sometimes we envy the girls who get the guys attention.
Who looks stunning 24/7 no matter what she does.

Remember this.

You are beautiful to your family,to you friends and also to me.
You do not need a compliment from a guy to know you are beautiful.
God made all of his creation beautiful in their own unique way.
Some guys do think you are beautiful,maybe they are shy.
Give them time to speak out those words to you.
For now,start building you confidence in yourself.
When your confidence shines,beauty will be reflected in different ways.
It is hard to maintain confidence if you receive harsh critics.
Take the criticism positively and change it as a confidence booster.

I know you can do it.Now,do you believe that you can do it?

Well,that is all for my post.
see ya later.