Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Silly Willy Me

Hey and hi to everyone.

Well,hearing to some lovey dovy song struck me good at the core of my heart.
And i wish it hadn't like i wish falling in love with guys would stop but
those wishes can never come through because i know.
How painful it might scar me emotionally.
The feeling of love and being loved is sweet like honey :)

There are three things about me you can never seem to understand.
Not even my closest friends but only Allah does.
I love chocolate even though it hurts my teeth.
I swear and curse because my family and friends get on my nerves but still love them so dearly and will surely receive a bullet for them.
Last but not least.
I love falling in love it seems.
As a friend and as lovers.
Damn my motherly instincts!i feel everyone is like a big whole family and we need to share the love.
Like that is true in both my friends are not like a big bunch of family and the will love each other like brothers and sisters.
I keep the flavors of friendship spicy and fun.

hurm.. i am so tired.
see ya in the morning dusk people.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Weird as always


Well,i wanna release some confusing thouhts in my mind.

Up to you to LISTEN or LEAVE :)

Well,i have been absent from school sight for a week now.
I miss school,ain't lying people!
But i feel kinda sad seeing some of my form 3 friends attitudes after PMR.
It's not that it's against the law to have fun.
Yet we as students should still respect our senior who still have their BIG exams coming soon,
Scream,laugh like an idiot,flour fights and so much more can be done!
But let it be at a place where we won't bother or cause harm to ANYONE.

I want to have fun and just scream in enjoyment.
However,thinking about the up coming result sends chill down my spines 0.0
So,let's have FUN but let us also remember our prayers for straight A's.

Temper of Mine

HEY people of every continent on earth.

Mostly fellow bloggers :)

Just got back from a week in KL this rainy morning.
was the trip fun?fun enough.
Sad?had my moments of tears.
Laughable?a few.
and yet i MISS school for once! :D
I wanna see the view of the buildings
The not so scenic beauty of the grave near my school
and the variety of flavors of voices of my form 3 friends!

well, i said i cried right during my little trip.
i got my day off the next day so i understand why i had my little tantrum.

that's all.
see ya.
busy(my reason of such short post)
see ya later alligator

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Party like a 15 year old teen

Hey and hi anyone,someone and everyone.
Little post

Since PMR is so OVER!
Only waiting for result .. :)

So people all Form 3.
I quoted once ' It's too much stress turning 15 '
Well it is true.
The days waiting for the examination was agonizing but now
my new quote ' It's too soon turning 16 ' Enjoy till the last seconds.
To my muslim friends,remember prayer and doa though.
Jgn duk lupa diri dgn keseronokan dunia pulak.
All right,done.

See ya

We Are Human :)

Hi everyone.
Like wow! PMR is finally over only ..
the agony of waiting for the result is really agonizing emotionally.

Done. Full stop. No more exams for this year except for MARA.
Oh well..
Next topic~

Just read the most heart shattering story EVER.
How cruel people can be.
How can someone treat their own kind with such inhumanity?
Children,Women and Men are Human.

We are no different from any other people we see today.
We eat,drink,sleep,study and play.
Work,laugh,cry,to love and to be loved.

I'm no Hafizah.I can't memorize the Quran.
But i know humanity enough to know we all deserve equal humanity.
No one should be treated like animals or rag dolls.

Please come together as ONE.
No matter of our religion,skin tone,status or age.
Let us be Human.Let us treat others like we want to be treated.Like we want others to treat our loved ones.
No matter rich or poor,you are human.
No matter king or peasant,they are human.
No matter of our past backgrounds,CHANGE for the BETTER because
Everyone is human excluding animals,plants and non living objects.

Let us control our lust for ANYTHING.
Is it worth suffering others for our own selfish reasons?
Is it sensible to treat others like trash while we demand respect so high?
From the novel Prisoner Of Zenda (wonderfully written by Angela Wright)
This quote caught my attention and i assume my fellow Form 3 also the same.
Quote " The best men are not all kings "

It shows how people from every race and creed can come together.
Smile :) and brighten someones day.
Joke around and lighten up someones spirit.
Lend a helping hand and lighten someones burden.

i am a Human and so are all of you bloggers.
Be human because we are NOT animals.

See ya next time everyone.
I hope everyone can understand my message.
I'm no rebellious kid nor am i a juvenile.
I am speaking of what i think is right.
Sorry for any words that might hurt anyone's feeling.
No attention of hurting anyone.

Night2 :)