Thursday, March 24, 2011


guess where i am right now?
at my school's computer room.
And i am gonna write about my club CYBERKIDS!

Hope you enjoy and feel like joining CYBERKIDS.

Well,CyberKids is like a club where most of the time you have fun!
It is not always fun and games but when it is,you will be smiling all the way..
The leaders are my age and from the Arabic Class.
They are smart and supportive.They are really fun to be around.
This year though they are going to be replace since this year we have our PMR exams.
Their replacements are our seniors Form 4 which consists of only guys.
They are ok and supportive too,i think.
I do not really know cause i am not close to them.

Well,CyberKids is supported by Maxis.
So,if a Maxis Carnival is going to be hold.The CyberKids around there will be invited.
The carnival is really fun and a blast!

That is all for this post.Hope you have a gut feeling of joining CyberKids.
See ya.