Thursday, April 28, 2011

Go Ahead,Like I Care!

my god,someone's over hyper,right.
Well,i am so over the dramas with that someone.
His name *cancel in my now okay dokie heart*

Well,my tutor(i think anis know who this is)
maybe needs a tutor himself like me.
Even he can not remember how to do indices problems!how bout me?lagi lah xleh..
Geography,he gave good tips.
I will give it a good shot!

Well,i am over excited that i am a confirm contestant of the S.I.R contest.
I am going to work hard and play hard as well after the competition,of course!
The target is to win the cash prize but all and all the experience is priceless.

Well,i think i have done enough typing for today.
see ya again in the next post :D